I was a model for 10 years, and never EVER want young people and the people who love them to go through what I went through, so I have been giving modeling classes for the past 8 years, in North Dakota, on location throughout the United States, and, most recently, here in Anthem, Arizona. Not those "you're 4'10", 250 lbs, but who cares, if you pay me $5000, you can be a model Barbizon/John Robert Powers deals. I hand pick my models from amateur photos that they send in to me, for their potential. I don't charge a lot for the classes, but we cover very important specifics that you need if you are interested in getting into the modeling business, plus, we take tons of amazing, cutting edge shots. If the girls want to own their pictures, they purchase them. If not, well, at least they have taken some great pictures, know enough to make informed decisions and have an idea of their potential. I have heard from a lot of people who want to be in my modeling classes but don't have the cash, so send me a picture with your reasons for wanting to be in my modeling class, I'll post everything on my blog, and you, my dear readers, can choose one lucky reader to come to class for free and get an awesome start on your portfolio. Tell all your friends. You could help change someone's life.
I just wanted to let you know that I graduated from Barbizon and it was one of the best experiences of my life.
Hi Lwcasey,
I am really glad that you had a great experience in modeling class, no matter where it was...it's a really fun thing to be up in front of the camera, meeting friends who have similar interests, and having fun and knowing that you're doing a great job. It's just that in my experience, you pay them and keep paying, they will take anyone who wants to be in the class, regardless of their true potential. In North Dakota, I had 19 models that I cultivated, and all of them are working out in the world now. I was a model for ten years, it's not an easy profession even for those who have all the potential in the world. I wish you the best of luck!
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