Monday, May 5, 2008

What to Wear to a Photo Session

With my photo shoots in Jamaica, Florida and Reno coming up soon, (there's still room! Book now!) I have had a ton of calls from people asking me what to wear, so am thinking that this must be a point of angst for a lot of people. While the simple answer is wear whatever you feel ccomfortable in, (see this week's cover shot of my girls and myself at my web site most families want to be a bit more matchy than that, so I've noticed a trend; no matter where I am, North Dakota, Kaua'i, a Caribbean island or right here in hot, hot HOT Arizona, most people wear blue jeans and white shirts for their first pictures. I don't know why. They just do. More adventurous folk move to all white or all black...I really do like all flowing white, not tight. Some families have the boys wear one thing and the girls wear another, which looks really great. Nancy Sherman, a wonderful client and friend who lives right here in Anthem, told me that she was going to have an aple green and sky blue configuration for her family, which I just couldn't wrap my arms around until I saw them, and the outfits were an absolute knockout! I would much rather have happy children and stress free adults than mad, crying people who match.

A general rule for all shots is to really look at yourself in the you want to show that much cleavage? Yesterday I was at my friends house wearing a new wrap summer dress, and her daughter reached out and touched me in a place that was showing that I definitely wouldn't want to show in a if you're wearing anything new, move around before the photo session! Make sure that when you're shakin' your bacon there aren't hanging around. Are any of your trouble spots bulging? Check cleavage, under and over your bra, waist, hips, panty line. And speaking of which, are you wearing the right colored undergarments?

Business shots really require business attire, arms covered, chests, male and female, covered, undershirts for men, bras for the women, professional makeup (for the camera) and hair for women.

Senior pictures--I usually tell the kids to wear something that their mom absolutely adores even if they hate it, something that their mom might hate that they absolutely adore, a professional neckline, something they would use to kick around with their friends, something they would wear on a date, and something super formal, and that way they get a great variety and everyone has something that they like.

Models--I know that I'm going to get letters for this one, but unless you know high end designers who will let you borrow your clothes, your issue is that you're going to look obsolete if you're not using the latest fashions, so go to a high end store that takes returns willingly, buy the newest stuff, put dress shields in everything, tape the tags inside, DON"T SWEAT into the garment, and go for it. Then bring it back right away. Or have a sugar daddy. Just kidding.