Nice clean shot, no great shakes, but definitely not something I usually do. So it took me 30 seconds to shoot the booth, and then another little bit to take away parking lot and add grass, and to take my reflection out of the mirror, and I made a day's wages and the promise of more work, with gratitude. So I was driving home, and it's biker week in Cave Creek, and I thought I might as well stop and check it out. I used to do this kind of thing all the time, but I haven't in probably 10 years. So I just went and hung out with all the bikers and biker chicks, and it was real cool. Here's what came out of that...

Cool bike, huh? When would I ever shoot a booth? or a bike? Or a biker chick, for that matter? but I did it and combined the shots and they look cool, and I feel inspired again.