Everything Photography, Painting, Senior Pictures, Graduation Photography, Commercial Photography, Portraits, Family Photographs, How to Dress for Pictures, How to take great pictures, How to look Great in pictures, and Great Pictures in General.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Collage and the American Hero
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Makes Ya Want to have Another
Help Me Help Team Wish!
Website: http://www.teamwisharizona.org/
October 3, 2007
Award Winning photographer Barbara Stitzer wants to Make a Difference in the Fight Against Breast Cancer
Anthem, AZ October 1, 2007: Award winning photographer Barbara Stitzer wants to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer by offering Anthem based Team W.I.S.H.(Walking In Spirit and Hope), four time participant in the Arizona Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk, a unique photo fundraising opportunity. Stitzer is committed to aid in the Team’s effort to raise funds in their pledge to finding a cure for this deadly disease. Stitzer and Team W.IS.H.’s partnership is designed to benefit the community at large and will serve as a way to allow individuals to make tax-deductible contributions to Team W.I.S.H. for which they will receive a memorable reminder of their generosity. As her thank you for donating $100.00 or more to Team W.I.S.H.
and supporting this wonderful cause, Stitzer will photograph an individual, family, or a pet and turn it into a one of a kind 8 X 10 digital painting (a $500.00 value) and give it to the donator. For those securing their bookings with a donation to Team W.I.S.H. by November 30, 2007 can take up to six months to have their photo taken.
Barbara’s 25 twenty-five-year career includes modeling, acting, writing, editing, photography, and most recently as speaker for Millers Professional Imaging lab. Stitzer, part of a Pulitzer Prize winning team for disaster coverage at the Los Angeles Times, has won over 400 local, regional and national Addy awards for excellence in advertising photography, and won the 2002-2003 YWCA’s Woman of Distinction award for excellence in her field. In addition to claiming the grand prize in more than 100 photo contests, in 2006, Stitzer was the First Place Winner of Digital Imagemaker’s prestigious Painter IX Award.
For the last four years, Team W.I.S.H. has participated in the Arizona 3-Day 60 Mile Breast Cancer Walk, which is for women and men who want to make a personal difference in the fight against breast cancer. During that time, with the support and donations of family members, neighbors, friends, and local businesses, Team W.I.S.H. Arizona has raised over $550,000.00 for breast cancer awareness, education, and research.
Nancy G. Brinker pledged to her sister, Susan G. Komen, dying from breast cancer, that she would commit herself to finding a cure for this lethal disease. In 1982, Brinker’s promise was realized in the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, by launching a global breast cancer movement. Today, Komen for the Cure is the world’s largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists fighting to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all, and energize science to find a cure. Because of events such as the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk and the Komen Race for The Cure, the organization has invested nearly $1 billion in its endeavor to eradicate breast cancer, becoming the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to fighting this fatal disease.
Approximately 200,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and nearly 40,000 will die from the disease. According to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, every 3 minutes a new case of breast cancer is diagnosed, and surprisingly, of those diagnosed more than 1,500 will be men and 400 will die. One woman will die every 13 minutes. One in seven women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. As members of Team W.I.S.H., we walk in spirit and hope because we cannot walk away!
With the Christmas season rapidly approaching, Barbara’s offer provides a unique gift-giving opportunity. Imagine donating $100.00 in the name of each family so they can create a life-long memory by having a family photo taken. In addition, each donation is one step closer to saving a life.
Any one wishing to make a team donation should mail their check made payable to Team W.I.S.H to 3434 W. Anthem Way, PMB #232, Anthem, Arizona, 85086, Attention: DRM account.
For further information, contact Barbara Stitzer Photography at 623.455.9444, e-mail: photobarb@aol.com or visit http://www.barbstitzer.com/
~ END ~
Monday, September 3, 2007
Never Let a Photographer do This to You
Monday, August 13, 2007
How to Look Fabulous in Pictures
Everyone knows that in order to look great in photos, you just have to be yourself and say Mozzarella, right? Wrong. In fact, as a former model, I'm here to tell you that I've been in your shoes and they hurt. A lot.
Go look at yourself in the mirror. Go on, go. I'll wait. As you're looking at yourselves in the mirror, look in your own eyes without moving your face. Is your head straight or turned? I'll bet that your head is at an angle. Most of the time, when we look in the mirror, we look from the side, with one eye or the other forward. We are making a triangle for ourselves, so that we look more interesting to ourselves.
In pictures, as in life, any part of you that makes a horizontal line looks less interesting, even something as small as your head being straight up, causing your eyes to lead the viewer straight across the page and off, enables the viewer to turn the page, which leads me to the most important part of a photograph: The Triangle.
In order to look great in a picture, in addition to the right clothes, makeup, lighting, framing, and body positioning, all of which I'll talk about at another time, it's a good idea to make as many triangles as possible. Check out this shot, which has pretty much won every award in the civilized world: It's a nice shot, at the height of

the action, I think it was my first assignment for the LA Times, and I just turned around and it was there, so I shot it, and my mentor, the incomparable Rick Corrales, looked at me and said, "Oh my gosh, you just took a great shot!" Well that was in the days before digital, so I couldn't believe that he would know that, but he was right, and I didn't know why, so he drew me a picture:

Tons of triangles. They lead your eye around and around and simply don't allow your eye to leave the picture. How does this apply to you? Tilt, bend, twist, cross, dip, pretty much anything that keeps you from being in a straight line. Consider a picture of my beautiful friend JB,

Now this shot is, of course, before makeup... Even if you are "nature girl," do not allow yourselves to be photographed without makeup, preferably a professional makeup artist, as regular "day makeup" doesn't transfer to makeup for photography. JB is posing like most people do, face straight forward, shoulders straight, a kind of half smile because having your picture taken makes you uncomfortable. Now here's a shot after makeup and making triangles with her head and shoulders:

She turned her shoulders to the side, and dipped her head to the side, and as an extra, added bonus, there's a twinkle in her eyes and a kind of Mona Lisa smile on her face that shows the viewer that she knows exactly how hot she is. Even her neckline and collar form little triangles that point back to her face, so if your eye accidentally slips off of her face, the neckline and collar point you right back into the action. Even taking it farther, if you add an elbow to make the triangle that keeps swirling around and around, encircling her face, and a super confident smile, make it into a painting:

Her eyes are at different levels, and the tilt from our left to right angles up to her shoulder, her back is making a triangle with her shoulder, the couch that she's leaning on is a triangle, which moves around to her arm, forming a triangle with her elbow, shoulder and face that's hard to leave. And she loved the shot! Of Course!
Monday, August 6, 2007
How to Make Something That Looks Great in Person Look Great When You take the Picture

Sunday, August 5, 2007
Barbara Stitzer Photography First Blog
So, Hi, here, I am, Barbara Stitzer, technophobe, starting my first blog. I have owned Barbara Stitzer Photography for 14 years. I live in Anthem, Arizona, which is near Phoenix and Scottsdale, with my husband and two children, Zoe and TT. My husband took that picture of us over there. He was so proud that it came out that I put it up, but that will be the only photo on my site and blog that isn't mine. The things you do for love.
I have to tell you that, despite having won more than 400 local, regional, and national awards, including a piece of the Pulitzer Prize, I don't have any photography training, with the exception of Marilyn Sholin, Painter Goddess, who taught me everything I know about painting. I am too mortified about looking like a dork to ask for help, so I have learned everything through good, old fashioned trial and error, and I have always maintained that if you give me an eyelash curler, fishing wire and a piece of aluminum foil, I can pretty much take on any photo assignment, because I have done it and the first one that I used those tools for ended up in Vogue, so I guess I know what I'm talking about in a very non-knowing what I'm talking about kind of way. Good God, I'm articulate.
I do commercial photography of all kinds, from fashion to lifestlye, advertising and products to food. I love shooting models and senior pictures/graduation pictures, because teens are just so totally cool and have a unique way of looking at life.
Anyway, I'm going to be talking about what I do, how I do it, how you can learn to take better pictures, how to have a successful photo shoot, and more, and I'll have links to examples of what I'm working on, what works and what doesn't if you would like to see them. .. Here's a bunch for you to get started. See you soon!